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Come installare PoMMo

Come già detto in  PoMMo: software DEM newsletter GRATIS“, mi sembra giusto sapere come installare PoMMo!

Innanzitutto scarica PoMMo da qui poi crea un un database. Fai upload via FTP della cartella PoMMo.

Ora vai nella directory di PoMMo ti comparirà questo:
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Ma niente paura! Apri Notepad++ e vai nella cartella di PoMMo e vedrai un esempio che si chiama config-sample.php

Copia e incolla il contenuto nel in un nuovo file che si chiamerà config.php e modifica i punti che ti evidenzio in colore rosso:

 Welcome to the poMMo Configuration File! From here you setup your database and
 other preferences.
IMPORTANT: This file must be named "config.php" and saved in the "root"
directory of your poMMo installation (where bootstrap.php is).
See config.simple.sample.php for a condensed, readable config file.
::: MySQL Database Information :::
[db_hostname] = "localhost"
The MySQL Server poMMo will connect to (usually localhost)
NOTE: Remote MySQL servers (e.g. can be used.
[db_username] = "USERNAME DB"
The username poMMo will use to login to MySQL server
[db_password] = "PASSWORD"
The password poMMo will use to login to MySQL server
[db_database] = "DATABASE"
The name of the MySQL Database poMMo will use
[db_prefix] = "pommo_"
Change if you intend to have multiple poMMos running from the same database
::: Language Information :::
[lang] = it
Set this to your desired locale. Current languages available are;
bg - Bulgarian			it - Italian
da - Danish			nl - Dutch
de - German			pl - Polish
en - English			pt - Portuguese
en-uk - British		pt-br - Brazilian Portuguese
es - Spanish			ro - Romanian
fr - French			ru - Russian
::: Optional Configuration :::
Below Options are intended for debugging or overriding
automatic configuration.
[debug] = off
Enable (on) or disable(off). Debug mode is useful for providing
information to developers
[verbosity] = 3
Set the logging verbosity level.
1: Debbuging mode - *EVERYTHING* is outputted.
2: Informational mode - *MOST EVERYTHING* is outputted
3: Quiet mode - *IMPORTANT THINGS* are outputted [default]
[date_format] = 3
Set the preferred date format for "date" type subscriber fields.
Available formats are;
1: YYYY/MM/DD (e.g. 1969/12/15) [default]
::: Overrides :::
Uncomment (remove the leading "**") to define the following settings.
NOTE: These settings are auto-detected by default, and best left unchanged.
** [baseURL] = "/mysite/pommo/"
Set the Base URL (poMMo's path relative to the webserver) e.g.;
(poMMo location)							(baseURL value) /pommo/			/me/pommo/
NOTE: Include trailing slash
** [workDir] = "/path/to/pommoCache"
Set the "working" directory. poMMo writes files to this directory.
By default, it is set to the "cache" directory in the poMMo root.
For increased security move this directory to a location not reachable
via the web (e.g. /home/brice/work vs. /home/brice/public_html/work)
Make sure the webserver can write to this directory!
** [hostname] =
Set the webhost's server name
** [hostport] = 8080
Set the webhost's listening port [Usually 80, 443, or 8080]

Salva il file con il nome  config.php e fai FTP del file. Ora prosegui con l’installazione e selezione “Click Here
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Compila tutti i campi e premi su “Install
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Stampa i tuoi dati:
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Effettua il login:
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Ecco il pannello di controllo di PoMMo
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Per ogni problema offro assistenza.


Piccola imprenditrice, ma solo di statura :D